GENESIS: Cryptoproteins
Proteins are the genesis of Life, and that's why Cryptoproteins are the Genesis NFTs of DNAVERSE. In real life, proteins constitute an essential part of all living organisms: they shape, the structure and functionality of the cell are involved in the synthesis of elements needed for the miracle of life.
There will be only 200 essential CryptoProteins NFTs, built in 3D with the exact same structure as their organic homologous. The scientific accuracy is supported by The Protein Data Bank, a renowned international scientific institution. The design and soul is made by 3D for Science, a scientific & artistic team with more than 10 years of experience designing for the Life Sciences and biotechnology industry.
As with most NFTs, each Cryptoprotein has its own properties/traits. They can be traded on the secondary market (Opensea); be held as a piece of history (the genesis of life on the metaverse), or be staked at the MetaLab institution (getting passive income), in order to replicate new DNA Passes on the future DNA Replication Project (once centralized DNArts NFTs are minted and delivered).
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