The properties of the Cryptoproteins will affect the new DNA Passes generated, giving more or less rarity to the DNArt. The attributes of the Cryptoproteins are the follow:
Focus: 4 possibilities. It affects the complete design of the DNArt. It will be inherited at the DNA Replication Project
Ancestry (50 cryptoproteins)
Nutrition (50 cryptoproteins)
Behavior (50 cryptoproteins)
Health (50 cryptoproteins)
Recovery: 4 possibilities. It affects the recovery process to create more DNACodes within the DNA Replication Project. It will be inherited.
Slow (75 cryptoproteins)
Medium (65 cryptoproteins)
Fast (40 cryptoproteins)
Ultra-fast (20 cryptoproteins)
Soul: 18 possibilities. It is the soul transferred to the DNArt, and affects the design of the piece. It will be inherited at the DNA Replication Process.
Charming soul (12 cryptoproteins)
Friendly soul (12 cryptoproteins)
Kind soul (11 cryptoproteins)
Brave soul (11 cryptoproteins)
Empathetic soul (11 cryptoproteins)
Imaginative soul (11 cryptoproteins)
Sincere soul (11 cryptoproteins)
Passionate soul (11 cryptoproteins)
Romantic soul (11 cryptoproteins)
Elegant soul (11 cryptoproteins)
Vibrant soul (11 cryptoproteins)
Relaxed soul (11 cryptoproteins)
Adventurous soul (11 cryptoproteins)
Magnetic soul (11 cryptoproteins)
Resilient soul (11 cryptoproteins)
Generous soul (11 cryptoproteins)
Courageous soul (11 cryptoproteins)
Intuitive soul (11 cryptoproteins)
Chroma: 12 possibilities. It is the background of the CryptoProtein which may affect the DNA created through the CryptoProtein: Olive, Ocean, Shadow, Midnight, Peach, Lavender, Beige, Salmon, Mustard, Coffee, Pearl, Cherry.
DNA Capsule: 8 possibilities. This property will be inherited by the DNArt, affecting the wrapped box: Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Basic.
Genetization power: 5 possibilities. This attribute affects directly to the CryptoProtein and his power to geneticize other NFTs (merged with the DNA) at the breeding process: Universal, PFPs, 3D Assets, Pets, Standard.
The rarity affects the inherited attributes for new DNA Passes generated in our breeding process, called DNA Replication Process, where cryptoproteins holders will get passive income staking their assets to be chosen for replication of new DNA Passes and hence, new DNArts. All of this will influence the market price of the NFTs of the collection.
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